Tag Archives | subtle energy

As Within, So Without…

“We are what we eat” – a well-worn phrase, but a true one. Our physical constitution depends absolutely on the provision from external sources of all of the various nutrients – be they water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral or vitamin – that our body requires both for short-term metabolism and for long-term growth, repair, and adaptation. […]

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Subtle Energy & Lilies

Dear Friends, Greetings of this Harvest Tide…it does indeed seem to be a year of insight and new opportunity for creativity! I wanted to share a report from this season, although still unfolding, from a small farm client in northern Vermont. They are working this year to grow rare varieties of lilies as well as experimenting […]

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Subtle Energy on the Farm

More results from a client grower using subtle energy techniques in his growing operation As for the greenhouse, interesting to note the “roots and shoots” effect of the south and north sides of the germination chamber. As the former is female chi and the latter is male, I have segregated the root crops and above ground […]

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