Welcome to Patrick MacManaway’s home page…
Patrick is a third generation practitioner of psychic and healing arts, working with people, places and projects, with a great love of bringing Grace to systems small and large, personal and collective, all and everything everywhere…
Raised and initially trained in his parent’s centre teaching and practicing spiritual healing and mediumship in rural Scotland, Past-president of the British Society of Dowsers and holding a Degree in Medicine from Edinburgh University in his native Scotland,
His services include “Daily Blessings” -truly spreading love and Grace around the planet – everyone on the Daily Blessings list – available equally for free or for monthly contribution – gets a thorough daily blessing – a transmission of Universal Grace – a continuation of his parent’s Healing and Teaching Centre’s daily practice of their “Absent Healing List” – regular intentional daily connection and re-alignement with source to all those open to receive it, and all universal love associated with.
Simply click on “Daily Blessings” on navigation bar at top of page to access if feels good and right for you for now…
Personal healing, place and project work in person or over zoom calls
Working with site energies domestic, commercial and agricultural on site or long distance with photos map zoom etc – on site work available UK, US and Australia, other locations by long distance work world-wide,
Includes over-arching spirit of place, dragons, elementals, nature spirits, human intentional and emotional residual and active patterns including ghosts, curses, troublesome spirit presence etc
Work is always first healing, then affirming relationship and communications, then energizing, then optimizing
Please note the “Tele Classes” series which is the contents of Patrick’s 3 day workshops recorded to live audiences during early covid lockdown, and the “Digital Collection” which includes Patrick’s core meditations and approach to entering and maintaining a grace state –
Explore the website, enjoy the many and various blogs and videos, some open access, some small pay for –
Join us for Daily Blessings –
Please be in contact if you have specific concerns or projects that we can help with or support
- Traditional healing and shamanic practices
- Geopathic stress remediation
- Earth acupuncture and meridian balancing
- Spirit release and space clearing
- Site energy enhancement
- Firewalking events