Dear Friends ! Greetings of the equinox tide, balance point of light and dark in our days and nights for all of us around the world, as the northern hemisphere moves into lengthening and warming sun-time and the southern hemisphere into shortening and cooling time. Reassuring reminder of the cyclical nature of time, whether of […]
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New Year’s gretings and news
Dear Friends, Wholesome and heartfelt greetings of the New Year – may 2025 be best ever for all – Writing here with news, thoughts and reflections of… Winter Solstice tide northern hemisphere, summer solstice tide southern hemisphere – turning of the solar breath upon the earth – pause at the top and […]
Patrick Greetings and 2024 workshop calendar
Friends Galore ! Greetings of this bright New Year to all around the world… Writing today with news of my teaching and workshops in the UK, US and Australia this year for those who may want to take up those opportunities, Three day level 1 and 2 workshops and a two day graduate circle are […]
Equinox Breathing…
Greetings dear friends ! Posting today at the cusp of the equinox, to share an inspiration of deepening and extending our connection to landscape through a very simple breathing practice, which is proving to be a favorite of particular simplicity, ease and effectiveness for students and clients hither and yon – Inviting you all to […]
European Shamanic Tradition & Healing the Land
Art by: Yannick Dubois Inspired by Patrick’s talk at Shamanic Lands 2016 Thank you Yannick!