Subtle Energy Enhancement in Farm and Field

subtle energy enhancement in farm and field


Subtle Energies in earth’s landscape are in every way analogous to those in the human body. Pathways of chi similar to the meridians of chi in our own body are variously termed Earth meridians, dragon lines, ley lines, grid lines, song lines, and other appellations in various cultures. It has been suggested that these lines were managed and balanced for significant agricultural advantage by early farming communities through work with standing stones and other earthworks.

Current experiments and experiences are showing that we can use this simple technology – effectively an acupuncture of the earth – to optimize growing conditions for animals and plants, with benefits in length of growing season, frost resistance, disease and drought resistance, rate of germination and development of root structure, and increased yield.

Awareness and work with earth energies and the Spirit of Place stretches back into the prehistory of all cultures, and much can be learned through myth and story as well as through the study of the world’s various traditions of Geomancy (divination of place). Our contemporary understanding of these subtle elemental forces would place them at least in part into the category of bioelectric fields. The interaction of the Earth’s magnetic field with the solar wind, the lunar cycle and other factors creates patterns of varying geomagnetism and bioelectrical charge that contribute to the qualities of atmosphere and states of health or illness in any given location. Simple techniques, familiar to dowsers, can bring change to these patterns, with subsequent benefit to people, plants and animals.

I am a native Scot and second-generation healer and dowser. While there are no conventionally acknowledged training programs or certifications in dowsing, my expertise in this field has been acknowledged by my peers. I am Past-President of the British Society of Dowsers, I also hold a degree in medicine from the University of Edinburgh, and have written several books on dowsing. I have consulted internationally on problems of “sick” buildings and geopathic stress, and optimizing site energies in domestic, commercial and agricultural settings.

An energetic reclamation of long-unworked land in Vermont

In the autumn of 2008, I received a telephone call from a gentleman by the name of John Green in Shelburne, Vermont, a twenty minute drive from my home base in New England. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty.)

After a career in California in high finance and then a period of study in divinity school, John had decided to bring his attention “back to the land” and to focus on sustainable food production and locally sustainable economic models. He had come back to a family farm in Vermont to make “sweaty prayers” with his native soil.

John was inspired by reading about the gardening at Findhorn, in Scotland (Hawken, 1978). In this community on the northern coast of Scotland, they have developed methods for cultivating plants that grow to unusual sizes in extraordinary abundance, particularly in consideration of their very short growing season. He wanted my help in connecting him to the spirit of place on his farm and to work with him in establishing energetic balance and nature-spirit co-operation. His challenge was to reclaim land that had not been farmed for forty years. He was particularly interested in designing systems that would work as much as possible with the unseen but green-fingered realms.

Of a working farm of some 350 acres, all that was left were some dilapidated barns and a 40-acre meadow. The rest of the land had gone back to a regenerating forest of white birch and mixed conifers. So John had a blank canvas to start from.

The dowsing tasks began with an overall energetic assessment of the open and most proximate areas to vehicles and to re-establishing water access. We started by dowsing to find the original farm spring for rehabilitation, with careful assessment for the most beneficial Earth energy points for John’s first greenhouse.

I found the land to be energetically clean and clear, and the nature spirit consciousness alert, vigorous, and eager to participate in John’s holistic vision of co-creative endeavor. The dowsing was easy and went well, with a sense of having only to ask in order to receive quick and efficient guidance to maximize his efforts.

We were guided to site the greenhouse – an eighty foot long industrial poly-tunnel – for optimum solar and Earth energy gain, with a strong Earth energies power centre in the middle.

The south end of the structure was under-run by a strong stream of underground water, offering a relatively yin environment that is ideal for mushrooms and tuberous plants. The north side was predominantly yang in nature, with strong ley energy. This offered support for ornamental flowers and vegetables that would give their productive yield above ground level.

A small blind spring in the centre, where the water and ley energy intersected, seemed best for anchoring our intention. This location was also excellent for pre-germination seed exposure and early germination location for his many plants.

My previous experience with other farms and gardens had indicated that as well as general energetic balancing and tuning of landscape energies throughout the growing areas, the optimum energetic exposure of seeds before germination and during the early germinating phase of 7 to 10 days would lead to maximum benefit and efficiency.

In order to anchor, focus, and concentrate the energies in this central power point, whilst still giving John easy access and movement through the greenhouse, we opted for a “buried stone circle.” This was a ring of one-gallon glass jars filled with vermiculite and sunk just below ground level. This option is inexpensive and more easily obtainable than the more commonly used, highly paramagnetic, large granite stones (called menhirs in Cornwall and Brittany).

The ley and underground water patterns in the outside growing areas were further tuned and stabilized by the insertion of five vertical “wave guides” in the form of biodynamic towers or substitute standing stones. We opted to use four-inch diameter plastic pipes for these, cut to lengths of megalithic yard multiples. Each has a central copper pipe penetrating into the ground deeper than the plastic surrounding, and extending above the plastic into open air. The space between copper and plastic is filled with vermiculite.

The cash crops for John’s first growing season were to be zinnias for the local florist and tomatoes, which grow well in Vermont’s short but intensely hot summer climate.

From the start, the results looked good. We had 100% germination and the plants were moved out into the meadow from the hot house looking strong and glowing with life force. Neighbors started buying seedlings from John because his plants had root structures more vigorous than they had ever seen before.

Then, horror of horrors – a tomato blight swept the northeast of America, with devastating effects on all tomato growers in New England. John’s plants proved to be the only ones in our area to have significant blight resistance. The University of Vermont’s agriculture department reported that his plants alone of all those that they had received from Vermont growers did not totally succumb and die as the blight set in.

Excited by these and other results, we worked towards further subtle energetic enhancement during growing season 2010, at the end of which John wrote these comments:

“Again this year (2010), the northeast had blight on tomatoes, not reported in the press – a new variety that is much more tolerant of heat and dry weather. Again, our tomatoes had black marks from the virus but not all, and the crop produced well in greenhouses; but most remarkably, the field crops of cherry tomatoes did better. Their location was mid-field by the pine tree, and a larger planting on the northwest side – fragile, yellow tomatoes from southern climes fared well and red tomatoes from here were without blemish, as the second year of stone circle incubation and naturalization to climate proved to me that disease resistance to blight can be bred and developed using intention and ‘enchantment’.”

John also found conventional farmers turning to him in crisis: “The old timers told me nothing would ever grow, yet the University of Vermont Horticultural Farm, wiped out early from a bad cut-worm invasion, relied on me for root crops, basil, and flowers for three weeks, in a one hundred member CSA!” (A Community Supported Agriculture group, increasingly popular in the UK, US, and Australia, offers pre-purchase shares to local residents from a farm’s year-round harvest. This guarantees the farmers working capital for the season and guarantees the members regular fresh produce at wholesale cost.)

John’s plants also proved to have enhanced frost resistance: “Where there had been early planting of zinnias, tomatoes, and cabbage, under floating row covers, all amazingly survived a devastating frost on May 25th that wiped out many growers who had planted too early.”

John also speaks to a raw sense of life energy in the growing areas:

The corn and beans were outstanding, the root crops small, but grew when given room, and did not die, un-watered, untouched, even covered with weeds, which I left to block the intense summer suns…The garden lives on, even now under a canopy of weeds, again drawing criticism and derision – yet I have managed to, or “we” have managed to grow a large variety of crops under very difficult conditions, without help from water or even biodynamic preps, but there is a strength to the field that says to me: almost in spite of me, these crops have grown.”

Subtle Energy Enhancement on farms in the UK

The benefits of optimizing subtle energy flow and balance to all growing areas consistent to the crop were demonstrated in another landscape and another climate. On a subtle-energy enhanced farm in Perthshire (Scotland), the agronomist declared the crop to be the “best field of carrots in central Scotland” for the third year in a row. Similarly, winter wheat yielded an extra half-ton per acre above the highest regional best for that crop.

Experimental strips of potatoes treated with a highly intentional essence (similar to the flower essences of Dr. Bach) showed increased crop yields varying between 10% and 30% on test digs, with enhanced skin quality and consistency of size.

This has caught the attention of the consulting agronomy service, who confirmed our findings with their own test digs. They are now interested in conducting further trials with us next year on other farms.

Other effects of our Earth-energies interventions have been noted. Average air temperatures rise gradually during the start of the growing season. Our energetic interventions produce marginally enhanced increases in soil temperature at the very beginning of a growing season. This is clearly one of the most practical and straightforward benefits to our work.

Further south, in England’s Warwickshire, a story was shared with me by much-loved British Society of Dowser’s tutor Fay Palmer, who raises 49 acres of race-horse forage. Swapping news and stories over a glass of a favorite malt, she commented that her agronomist reported that her grassland had reached its summer growing temperature a full month before neighboring farms. This echoes the work of pioneering farmer Tabraham, who achieved success with altered soil temperature, growing Soleil d’Or narcissus crops in the Sicilian Isles, where the growing season was reduced by six full weeks following subtle energy enhancement.

Energetic enhancements in landscape and barn facilities to improve health for farm animals

Another technique, in the form of simple geopathic stress remediation, is also of great benefit to animals enclosed for any length of time in one location.

In eastern Scotland I had the opportunity to work with a dairy herd stricken with an unusually high rate of mastitis, which had proved resistant to all conventional treatment over the farmer’s four-year tenancy. A high-tech facility, the cows lived in their barn almost year round, with a central milking unit available to them.

Dowsing revealed classic geopathic stress, sourced from four underground streams of very large volume, descending from the local range of mountains and running in parallel under the barns in a pattern that the cows were unable to move away from.

Simple remedial measures were used, including the permanent insertion of mild steel rods into the ground. These were placed upstream from the barns over the critical edge zones of each stream, with additional earth acupuncture and energetic balancing and clearing of disturbed consciousness and residue patterns both within and surrounding the facility. On a review visit three months later, the mastitis rate had dropped by 60%. This astonishing outcome had me quite delighted.

In summary

We are poised at an exciting threshold of extending holistic awareness into our working relationship with land, extending energy healing, balancing and enhancement techniques to systems around us everywhere. Our great hope is that as well as helping to bring the human community into right relationship with place and environment, we will be able to develop techniques to help wean us off our agricultural dependence on petrochemicals, and the expense and side effects that these carry with them.

A deep exploration of the possibilities for enhancing agricultural vitality and yield through dowsing and subtle energy techniques in local growing conditions seems a very optimistic avenue for us all to explore now. I would encourage all readers to pick up their dowsing rods and walk over to the vegetable plot and the chicken house.

See what a little elf and dragon whispering can do…



To learn more about Patrick’s consulting work, background, books, and schedule be sure to check out his websites. You can always email him too.


Hawken, Paul. The Magic of Findhorn, London: Fontana/ Collins 1978.

Recommended Reading

Bird, Christopher and Tompkins, Peter. The Secret Life of Plants, New York: Harper & Row 1973

Tompkins, Peter and Bird, Christopher. Secrets of the Soil, New York: 
Harper Collins 1989.

Burke, John and Halberg, Kai. Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty, Tulsa, OK: Council Oaks Books, 2005.

British Society of Dowsers

American Society of Dowsers

Journal of The Canadian Society of Dowsers

The Canadian Questers

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