Daily Blessing

alyadragonThe most simple and often the most powerful and useful tool for the psychic healer and shamanic practitioner is Simple, Universal, Unconditional Love – an offering of a True Simple Blessing.

The source energy of all things and rocket fuel for living systems, a daily application of Unconditional Love stimulates and helps all things to entrain to a Grace state and Thrive…

During a focussed, daily meditation session, Patrick sends Simple Love and a Universal Blessing to anyone who chooses to receive it – simply add your name to our monthly list to enjoy the Grace.

This service is offered on a donation basis – you will see on the click buttons several levels of “membership” to our subscription software –

You may choose to donate at any level – either receive the Blessings for free or contribute a monthly amount to support the project and the work – all participants receive the same blessings regardless of membership / contribution level.

While subscribed you should also receive a daily, rotating e-mail of beauty and inspiration to anchor and facilitate your connection with the process.

Please note that when you subscribe to the service, the system software will continue automatically to take your monthly subscription every month at the level you have set it at, until you unsubscribe, which you can do at any time, either on this page or at the footer of any of the e-mails that you receive.

You are welcome to use the service for a month, or three months, or a year, or indefinitely – you can also re-subscribe at a different donation level as you choose.

Please also note that our software will unsubscribe those participants at the free level of membership after one month automatically – if you wish to continue at that point do please re-subscribe.

We suggest you follow your intuition and instincts as to when to join the blessings list and when to close your current cycle of Blessings.

Please enjoy the Blessings and do share your experience with us –

Spreading the Love…


Level Price  
Daily Blessings free


Membership expires after 1 Month.

Daily Blessings 5

$5.00 per Month.

Daily Blessings 10

$10.00 per Month.

Daily Blessings 20

$20.00 per Month.

Daily Blessings 25

$25.00 per Month.

Daily Blessings 50

$50.00 per Month.

Daily Blessings 75

$75.00 per Month.

Daily Blessings 100

$100.00 per Month.


Thank you for using this service.

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